Penguin Chill

Albuquerque, New Mexico

New Mexico BioPark Society


Print Design
Fabrication Concept
User Interface/User Interaction
Exhibition Design


Sparked by the arrival of three new penguins, the New Mexico BioPark Society launched a captivating multi-exhibit experience. The exhibition provided visitors with research on the conservation and husbandry habits of the King, Gentoo, and Macaroni penguins. The research also includes interviews with scientists, and a fun interactive game that allows visitors to be a penguin while trying to feed themselves and avoid grave dangers. 

The experience asks visitors to embark on a penguin’s enthralling lifestyle by navigating the immersive light arrays mirror that of the Aurora Borealis, an ice cave, and into a research vessel. It concludes with a pledge and a memento of their visit.  


• Multi-exhibit visitor experience with traditional and digital exhibits and interpretive signage  

• Dedicated research of species habitats and lifestyles

• Digital Illustration and elevated signage renderings


•  Work closely with various team members internally and externally 

• Self-dedicated research distilling complex life cycle phases into informative infographics for public interpretation 

• User Testing with various targeted user groups, compiled and reported feedback for implementation and redeployment

What I love about this project

I was performing many roles on this project as a content and media integration manager. Some of these roles include User Experience and Interaction Designer, User Testing and Quality Assurance Development, Elevated Schematics for Environmental Signage, working with large and diverse teams internally and externally, opportunity to display my original illustration skills and infographics.

Photographs are copyright of their respective groups and owners and used here to illustrate ideas or physicality of digital products and experiences. Work displayed here may have been completed in collaboration with individuals and businesses. 

Frescoes at the Convention Center


The Linden Residences