Jump Into Community
Santa Monica, California
Cayton Children’s Museum
Art Direction
UI/UX Design
Usability and Quality Assurance
IoT Exhibts
Animation & Motion Graphics
Designed around the idea of keeping "track" of our best selves, the Jump Into Community exhibit allows guests to measure their height and jump while displaying their movement in slow-motion. The interactive features an 86-inch slimline vertical monitor that extends the height of visitors and gives a true-to-life, 1:1 ratio. While the exhibit calculates the difference between the visitor's standing height and the amount they jumped, the slow-motion video gives people a chance to watch a recap of their jump. The goal is to allow visitors to "jump" from the past to the present to see their progress as they grow up and return to the museum.
• Non-touch interactive with timed automation and motion sensing
• Working within a pre-established design aesthetic and style guide
• Human measurement logistics are taken with the use of Arduinos
• Meticulous planning in the concept and wireframing process with consistent communication with development
• Utilizing the style guide delineated colors, textures, and style within the exhibit with consideration to animation and visual feedback of micro-interactions
• Working with an 86-inch stretch display placed in the prototyping area to ensure the right height and placement of the hardware, and fine-tuning of the Arduino coding and processing
• Rigorous monthly testing to ensure accurate measuring
What I love about this project
This project offered me an opportunity to work on an interactive that required a considerable amount of user testing and refinement. Visitors position their bodies within a marked parameter to trigger the interaction. Once recognized by the Arduino system, the entire process had to be timed perfectly for a nearly autonomous sequence. The exhibit focused exclusively on animations to give it personality and provide ample visual feedback for visitor actions.
Photographs are copyright of their respective groups and owners and used here to illustrate ideas or physicality of digital products and experiences. Work displayed here may have been completed in collaboration with individuals and businesses.